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Monday, July 18, 2011

I'd Like to Speak to Your Supervisor -- NOW!!

by Julian Ignatowski, Sr.

We have all had the unfortunate experience where we have not received either the answer or the resolution we were hoping to receive from the customer service representative on the other end of the phone.  You know what I'm talking about.  It's that representative that is reading (and, if it's a department that is outsourced to a third world nation, boy is it obvious they are reading) from a book of objections.  Every concern you raise is followed by, "I understand what you are saying Mr./Mrs. (fill in butchered last name here), but...." Then there are the representatives who are just outright unhelpful and quite rude. These are the types whom you'd like to "readjust their face" if you were given the ample opportunity. Finally, there are those who ultimately are rogue customer service representatives that do not act responsibly -- they are not accountable to anyone, let alone any "imaginary supervisor".  Take a look at this link and you'll see what I'm referring to...


Sure, it's satirical, but not so far from the truth.  There sure are "Peggy's" out there ready to ruin our lives if given the chance!  I know that this type of transaction can actually take place.  I've worked for the telephone sales department of a newspaper publishing company back in college.  We were not only told to use fictitious names when speaking with people on the phone, but if the prospective customer we were speaking with on the phone had a beef with one of us and wanted to speak to the supervisor, then we would just put them on hold hoping that they would hang up out of impatience.  If, after a few moments, they were still on line, we would tap a fellow salesperson on the shoulder, give them "the look" and they would know exactly what to do.  They would take the phone and make up some pretend apology and tell them they were going to refer the matter to the night manager.  The name and phone number would be read back to the angry customer to let them think we cared enough to follow through on the matter and then as soon as the call as over, the scratch piece of paper went directly into the trash.  It's a shame, but it's actually how some firms conduct themselves.  

I personally always hate it when you ask to speak to the manager or supervisor and they say that "the person you need to speak with isn't available, but I will take down your name and number and have them call you back". Yeah....uh huh...I wasn't born yesterday...

Don't sit around waiting for the call...it's not coming.

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